Friday, January 18, 2013

Web Gallery Link


January 18, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we worked on customizing and making a smartphone cover for the Photo Shop Cafe contest. We learned some interesting techniques that we used to make a creative phone cover. I organized my file folder and submitted all my work! We made a web gallery too.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we completed and submitted our year book covers through FileZilla. I finished my final cover at the very beginning of class. Our next assignment was to start on a smartphone cover from the PhotoShopCafe website and enter a contest for a chance to win some great prizes. We have until January 31 to submit our final smartphone cover! It has to be very creative and original, expressing our best photoshop skills that we've acquired during the past year.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we worked on our custom year book covers. We worked on completing them and adding any final touches to the covers, then submitting them through filezilla. We spent some class time looking at our classmates film posters! I really love the Inception poster made by Trey.

January 15, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we completed our movie posters. After that, we started on our own custom year book covers for the RCHS year book. The theme is movie related. I chose a picture of a movie reel and pasted it horizontally across the year book template. I added pictures of RCHS students and a title to the front and back covers of the year book.

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class, we started our final project. The assignment is to choose a popular movie that we could possibly relate to Richland. My group chose the movie Project X. We reenacted a scene from the movie were we had Richard pose on the grass, face down, with red solo cups surrounding him, with Mrs. Albuquerque standing behind him. The point of this picture was for Richard to look "messed up" and Mrs. Albuquerque to look "super mad" at him. We didn't have any problems coming up with the idea, but we ran into an issue when we uploaded the photo to photo shop. The photographer, Austin, shot his shadow in the photograph and we were unable to remove it. We plan to take another photo tomorrow where there is no shadows or sunlight. I managed to use the clone, brush, and patch tools to help reduce the appearance of the shadow, but it was still a little noticeable on Austin and Richards copy of the image. We still have 2 more days to complete and finalize the assignment.

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class, we selected our symmetrical picture that we took yesterday and uploaded it to photo shop. We used the quick select tool to select the symmetrical object in our photo and used the paths section to make a work path. I typed a short biography about Austin around his symmetrical pose that I took a picture of. It was a little frustrating to get started because there was a series of steps to follow. This topic was a challenge because of the tools. I learned to work around this challenge and edit an awesome picture! I also took the profile asymmetrical picture of Richard, used a path tool, and typed text coming out of his mouth. It looked as if he was yelling!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we took three different pictures. I took a symmetrical body picture of Austin, an asymmetrical profile picture of Richard yelling, and a solo head shot, up close of Richard. We uploaded the photos to Photo Shop and worked with "text halos" today. We didn't have time to edit the other photos. I took the head shot of Richard, made three circled paths around his head and pasted song lyrics, upgrading in size as the paths grew wider.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we lectured over color pop! We learned about filters, shapes, and custom fonts. Two great websites were given to us in order to find some fun fonts to use (, We started class by taking some pictures of the students around the classroom, then altered the contrast and make them pop with vibrant color. We made a cover sheet for the student life by adding photos of our peers, contrast, filters, shapes, custom fonts, and bright colors! I made a retro looking cover sheet with crazy designs and colors.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Today in class we took hi and low key photographers with a digital camera. We uploaded them onto photoshop and adjusted the brightness/contrast, masked layers, and cropped our photos to get hi and low key photos. I learned that when you take low key photos, it is very hard to get a still picture. The photo always comes out "grainy", therefore it is not as clear to photoshop.

January 7, 2013

Dear Mrs. Debbie,

Yesterday, we learned how to retouch a photo that was given to us. By touching up a photo, we made it look a lot better but still made the photo look like the original photo that was taken. I used a light hand with performing techniques on Adobe Photoshop. It is important that we did not change the entire face of the picture because our goal was for it to look natural, unnoticeable. We took a look at various examples of retouched photographs online, some of which were over-touched, that looked very "fake". That is not what we want. I retouched the picture of a random girl just a little bit to remove her blemishes, illuminate her face, and add some darker features to her lashes to emphasize the contrast.